Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Posted by NikkiSab at 4:35 PM 102 comments
Labels: cornflakes
Monday, July 13, 2009
How was d weekend?
During my long haitus from Blogland, I did quite a number of things. Some was loads of fun, some got me thinking and d others.. well we will address as de come.
In jan/feb I went on a 2 week vacation to visit my sister in laws and did de spoil me or wat?!!! I had way too much fun dat I should be arrested, de were sweet, accomodating and just awesome. Well, there were 1 or 2 days dat just talking to my hubby wasn't enuf so I cried but basically we talked and tried to chat everyday. He is not one to travel and I am one to hop on a plane a jet off at any time just give me d cash or enuf leave days.
I thot i was gonna freeze out by goin early in d year but God luvs me and d weather was just smooth. Atlanta was ok but La had d best weather and though I wanted to try Baltimore and NYC my sis inlaw said it was damn cold, so i'll conquer it next time. In atlanta one of d nice places we went to was d aquarium, mennnn....... le'kwa ezigbo anu na fish (Look at d better meat and fish) I had drifted off to wishing i could turn d place to a point and kill joint, chei! just check out d killer business dat could come out of!!! I also discovered d best cornflakes in d world. I love it so much dat I am developing a strong following of all who have tasted it.
In LA i went to an amusement park and boy did i dare myself into going on some crazy rides. WOW!!! it was exhilirating, scary and fun!!!!! I was so happy to join d chorus of screaming riders dat it almost felt like therapy. AAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! not d same feeling but it was damn good den. In two rides i kept thinkin wat if I didn't strap in well so I would av done a yee-ha into d air and splattered - not a good tot or picture in my head but thank God nothing happened.
I have to thank my inlaws and dia family for being so FABULOUS, love ya. Oh did i mention d day of my departure dere was dis tall dark guy in a grey track suit (in d old days dats wat we called it, dont know if dere is a mordern name) well he had a pouch or sth on his wrist and his fone was strapped dere. It was funny n weird at d same time.
Ciao !!
Posted by NikkiSab at 4:42 PM 14 comments
Labels: inlaws and Vacation
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
How are you,
Hope u all av been doing aiight!!!! Its been so long since I dropped by infact in some months it would have been 1 year since I wrote something.
Thanks everyone who checked on me and dropped comments. It was so sweet of u guys.
I may not write so often but I will try and try to drop a line or two.
So wat av I missed?
Posted by NikkiSab at 2:12 PM 7 comments
Labels: hugs
Friday, November 14, 2008
Something new!!

Posted by NikkiSab at 11:04 AM 249 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Lately, I have become a slave to celebrity blogs. I go through the day skipping from one celebrity blog after d oda and then wen i exhaust d one's i regularly visit, i start searching for new ones.
Most of my work is on d internet and thanks to Sat 3 the internet has been slow but d only tin dat opens better than my work links are facebook, yahoo, msn, blog and a couple others. I try to visit one or two of my fav blogs but den before i can drop a comment i rush off to Ybf, sandrarose, grapevyne, hot mess, dats not hot etc. I used to wonder how pple get hooked n addicted to celebrity links but i av become d biggest slave to d links.
On other notes, I would like to make a career switch to HR (Human Resources) but i hate school. So, how do i hope to achieve dis switch? I was hoping to do an online short programme( d key word is SHORT) like 3 months. I was also thinking dat maybe I just apply for any of d vaccancies i see and grow from dere (with my zero knowledge, i hope some employer will av faith in Another thot is to attend one-two day trainings and hope it would count for sth on my CV(hmmm....). I wanted to do d 9jn CIPM (Chartered Institute of Personnel Mgt) but did i mention i HATE school or anything where it looks like i av travelled back in time to my early days wen i wld cry to be in a classroom.
I tink i'm a bored with my job, cos its d longest i av been in one place Aug 2006 - till date. Damn!!! I'm usually a 9 months- 12 months person, i guess its age and all d qualities dat come with it. (Not bad). Ok peeps, i would like any offer on short programs I can start in my career growth. Oh, did i mention it shouldn't be too costly ( I am Any advice is most welcome too.
Takia mwah!!!
Posted by NikkiSab at 2:34 PM 23 comments
Labels: celeb blog, HR
Monday, October 20, 2008
Praise God!
Compliments of d day people!!!!
Today is special for 2 reasons.
One is my lovely sister in law whose birthday is today, She is a fab person n very hard working. I wish her a fantastic day and I hope she party's like a rockstar!!!!!!She has a lovely personality and I am so blessed to heave her (and her 2 sisters) as family members. Love u loads.
D second special reason is dat I am celebrating the life of Busola who was a daugther, a lovely friend & sister, a wife and mother of my godson T-bobo. She was one fun, crazy and adorable lady dat I was blessed to b a friend and sister to in 1993. We laffed, gossiped and cried together many times and we had plans to be and do many many things together. Sadly she and d baby in her womb passed away last year on the 20th of October 2007 @ about 2pm. I wrote about dis beauty last year THERE = ( Homecalling) and then I admit dat I was angry at her n slightly upset with God because I was sad n heartbroken to loose my gal especially wen dere were somethings dat needed to be sorted out. She was goin to call me d saturday she passed on and I waited for d call only to hear she crossed ova dat afternoon. I must confess sometimes I dont blive she's gone so I sit n stare till tears roll down my cheeks. I try to avoid her parents cos wen I look @ dem I see her n it breaks me cos we all start a choir of crying and I cant imagine how hard it was for dem to loose dia 1st child and only daugther. Busola(in d brown top) and I (Sept 2007)
I had a dream once dat I saw her. The excitement I felt in my dream was so real dat wen I woke up I felt happy, She was just smiling and i was hoping like a kid high on sugar. I kept askin if she was d one n she smiled, i hugged and told her how much I had missed her and she said d same den I told her to follow me but she declined and said she had to go and I understood den woke up but I was sooooo glad to av seen her (pple say she must av really liked me not to av axd me to follow her, cos if I had gone den I too would av crossed ova. It may or may not b true) On my wedding day wen I saw her folks I remembered our promise to b each oda's chief Brides maid and to think of not havin her dere to do her gra gra as usual made me cry. My godson is doing well, he and his dad are stuck to each oda like glue and I try to call dem as often as I can. Sometimes I tink I am not a good godmother bcos d last time I saw him was exactly a month before his mom died. Office and financial issues have held me from makin d trip but I will try b4 d year runs out to go visit but I wonder wat i would get him wen I go dere.
I celebrate d lives of two magnificent women and I praise God!!!!! Viv u r a wonderful person so enjoy urself and av a splendid Birthday.
Busola u r an Angel and I celebrate ur life and thank God for letting us share our lives with u, we love u, I love u and I apologise for being angry wit u and God. HE has his reason for calling u n baby home. Miss u and love u dear. Rest in Peace!!!!
Posted by NikkiSab at 7:44 AM 227 comments
Labels: Celebration
Monday, October 6, 2008
Something ?
Thanks for all ur comments and well wishes in my last blog. May God bless you all.
I just spoke to my mom dis morning and wen i dropped i realised sth dat has been re-occurring for some months now. I av realised dat it seems i av gone emotionally dull or gradually going emotionally numb!!!! I talk to her or my dad and mayb my sisters and a few friends like with no expression of emotion ( eg a smile,laff, anger or anytin) I'm flat, almost bored, almost distracted, almost robot.
Its like i av lost alot of my spark n humor. Wit my hubby everytin is intact but den i sort of partially shut down with most people (family, friends and clients). Dis worries me a GREAT deal. I feel dettached and its not me......I dont like wat's happening especially since i noticed it a while back and kept believing it would pass n its still here.
Dese r people I love and care about and de av axd me wats up but I say its either I just woke up from sleep or I just had an annoying customer or i was in d kitchen or i was outside or i just watch d fone ring as de call 1,2,3,4 times just so de can't tell i've signed out wen de r talking. Dere r very very few times i snap back to my normal self wen I talk to dem but, each time i'm emotionless i try to stop myself but i can't.
I hope dis bad phase passes by but den again how much longer will it take for it to stop. I really miss d OLD me.
Posted by NikkiSab at 9:30 AM 20 comments
Labels: emotionless
Monday, September 22, 2008
Let me Introduce myself
Hello Blog Family,
I would like to introduce me again to you. I am Mrs U aka Mrs Ibo dude aka Mrs Manutd aka Mrs Nikkisab (how many I go answer) lol.
..heheheh Yes O, Thank God for me and my hubby for d wonderful day. I thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. D complete pix r not ready but I do hope with d way d pix are below it tells u all d story of our wedding on the 6th of Sept 2008.
Our wedding link is I hope to upload d weddin pix dere l8r
I av become pro on d wedding matter dat I bet I can be called a wedding planner. D best tin is I didnt cry while saying my vows i was relaxed (I only cried wen I saw my gals parents and I wished she was here wit me). I will do my best to write d whole tin but d tori lonnnnnnnng o, but mark it dat I danced to d point my mom was speechless. heheheh!!!
Thanks Bloggers - adoo, bunmy, Owhornda, Princessa and Onome for coming....much appreciate u dear..mwah.
Takia lovelys will try to blog soon, but I gotta admit I am blocked on blogging but I will try.
Posted by NikkiSab at 7:20 AM 38 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Honeymoon here I come!!

Posted by NikkiSab at 6:06 AM 30 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Almost Here!!!
Hi peeps wats up?
Been busy with work, wedding and falling !!! So according to my timer on the right I've got 12 days to go before I say cherio cherio maiden name and WELCOME to a surname upgrade. I am trying to find the humor in dis all cos I dont wanna panic. I wonder sometimes why do men ati women panic?
Its not like we didn't daydream or know such a day MIGHT be our turn, so why do we av pulse racing, heart stopping, tear pouring moments? With dat said I still suffer all d symptoms I've mentioned and I bet it will reduce as d day draws closer. Sadly all d running around has got me loosing weight (Like I had any, looking tired in all d pictures I am caught in and having a mild pimple break out agghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right now to be honest, all I am loking forward to is d honeymoon wen I can truely and gladly say its over and put my feet up to rest before I come back to start d next phase as Mrs U.
Ok enuf nagging!!!! Quite a number of wonderful things have been happening to me of late (not to say d gift of life aint wonderful enuf) but God has taken d gr8 pleasure of embarrasing me with blessings and more blessings and I keep wondering if I really deserve these things. Like having Manutd, Lovely family members (Mine and his av been so supportive and caring with d wedding), my office windfall etc - I am so thankful to God for my life and I will do my best to spread the mercy, kindness, joy and gifts HE has given me with others.
So I am gonna move around and check out wat i've missed. I wanted to put up wat d gown, sandal and hair looks like but I bet u guys wont mind if I dont ba. How about i put d ensemble after d wedding....Thanks I knew u'ld understand. Have a blessed and Wonderful week.
Posted by NikkiSab at 6:26 AM 31 comments
Labels: countdown