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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sweet Petals For You.

Out the back door
into the garden
I have laid a carpet
of pretty yellow petals
on your path to walk upon.

In the elysian garden
I call our special place
your throne is covered
with lilac coloured roses.

As its sweet perfume intoxicates you
and your eyes are closed in comfort
I will kiss your lips softly and slowly
so my full nectar will fill you.

Let me guide you to my cottage
weaved from lilies of the valley
which were specially picked
for an occassion such as this.

Secluded from the world
we are in a wonder of our own
where the darkness covers us
as the light within us shines.

In the room filled with candles
scented with sweet hopes of spring
there's a bed I have laid
with sweet petals for you.

Becos I love you and you love me
our bodies will come close as it was streamed to meet,
as time stands still
and the door shuts everyone else out
only you and I will know
what went on
as I gave sweet petals for you.


adoolicious said...

i swear we shd publish, this, it's sweet.

An-Igbo-Dude said...

"bump and grind"
the "KOKO"

Just some phrases(words) i could remember to describe having sex

Urs was better though

keep it up. i agree with hemba sha

Standing Truth Betold said...

this is beautiful.

Sam Oracle said...

This is poetic and romantic, that gives you fantastic

Queen of My Castle said...

Now I have to reciprocate the question you asked me...are you in love? LOL

Bunmmy said...

everytime i read this it makes me smile...love really is a beauty.

Nnenta said...

Very nice........Sounds like u r in love. 'Hope he knows how lucky he is.

Queen of My Castle said...

Please forgive me Madam, to answer your question, yes, I love him dearly...very lucky man LOL. I am glad to hear that you are in love. There is no greater drug than pure pristine love, IMO.


NikkiSab said...

Hemba - i am blushing
Amen to dat Queen!!
Lonely truth -Thankssss
Oracle-nice to av u drop by
Nneta- the man knows
Hopeful B- how about u!! U in love
Thanks guys

NikkiSab said...

Ibo Dude- i will talk to u in my time. bt thanks for bump and grinding by.

Admin UD said...

schweet...no further comment

Onome said...

hmmm...babe dat's good poetry over there...makes me feel all romantic and such.nice work dearie